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Diabetes 16 - 25

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Discover this amazing community
Connect with people, learn new tricks and take control 


Read information about diabetes. Learn the difference between hypos and hypers. What is DKA and how do you adjust insulin for exercise. Find the answer to all your medical questions here.




Stories and successes


Read about other peoples stories and successes. Also send in yours and share them with each other. Remind people that not every day is hard. There is so much you can do and achieve; getting into uni, having a day with no hypos or going on holiday alone.
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Chapters in life


From the ages of 16 to 25, you start so many new chapters in your ever growing life. You might go to uni, start your first job, learn to drive, start a new relationship or go on your first holiday alone. You might just wonder how to tell your friends you have diabetes. Hopefully these pages will help you answer these life dilemmas. 



Have you got a burning question, or just want to share your story and find people the same age who are going through similar things? Find a forum to post on.
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Links and apps


On this page find links to other useful websites and also some tablet and phone apps that other people have found useful. 



Read about me and why I have decided to create this website.

To help improve this website, I would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out the questionaire.


All information correct March 2016.
Please see refrenced sites for up to date information.

Diabetes 16 - 25


Joining together young adults with diabetes

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