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Some of us do not mind people knowing we have diabetes.

Others prefer if people do not know.

However at some point we do have to tell some people.

Who should you tell?



Room mate

Close friends


Refernces: The information on this page has been adapted from the following scources. Telling People You Have Diabetes - Talking About Diabetes [Internet]. 2016 [cited 31 January 2016]. Available from:

It is your choice who you tell. There are some people you should consider telling.

How to tell people?

There are different ways you can tell people, and who they are may affect how you tell them.


Employers and teachers: you may ask to speak to them privately very quickly and mention to them you have diabetes, you control it as such and you treat hypos this way.


Friends and family: you can approach this similarly by saying you have something to tell them and then explain it. Or you may drop it into converstaion, or by you doing a blood sugar or treating a hypo may bring it into converstaion. 


Remember when you tell someone they may have several questions, so be prepared to answer some questions. 

What if I don't want to tell people...

This is fine, you do not have to tell everyone.


Just remember to wear some form of ID that shows you are diabetic just incase something happens.


It is safer if one person you are with knows you are diabetic and how to treat a hypo.

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Telling My Friends

"I was so nervous before telling my best friend, but he was so understanding"

"Knowing there is someone else around me who can treat a hypo puts my mind at rest"

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